Pola Tarung Togel

by Angka Studio



For example: if you have a 6-digit control number, 3 pieces.For example, your control number is,Control number 1 = 124567Control number 2 = 234689Control number 3 = 245689So to make the pattern, you just have to see the same number of the 3 control numbers.Look at the above, for the same number of the 3 numbers, it is 2,4,6. Now we check again for the 2 numbers that are the same are 8, 5 and 9, while the numbers that do not have the same in the control number are 1,3 and 7.So the pattern will be made like this 246 vs 859 vs 137.The strongest pattern is 246 vs 137.Reserve pattern 246 vs 859.Weak pattern 859 vs 137.Pattern die 137 vs 0.Now its quite clear and easy, right friend, looking for patterns to fight lottery numbers.If you have 3 top control numbers, make a pattern like the one above, its guaranteed that you will often jp. What else is combined with wisely (number) sure that in 1 week the bomb numbers will explode.